Tuesday, 27 September 2011

2nd Review Writing - Amazing Race (australia)

Amazing Race Australia.

Today's episode of Amazing Race Australia was hilarious. The teams were heading for a challenge and a heap of hard work in South Africa.  First of all Richard and Joey got stuck in the mud, he hammered his thumb and to top it all off they got U-turned by Nathan & Tyler. I felt sorry for them considering that everyone hates them.

The farmers got stopped by the cops for speeding. Meanwhile the team that was always behind; Mos & Mo finally built their feeding giraffe thing. As the teams encounted their next obstacle, they looked like they were all having fun bungee jumping from the highest bridge in the world! I thought that Sam & Renae had the best teamwork. They worked well together and completed the tasks and challenges cleverly.

As the race went on, Nathan & Tyler were speeding towards the mat against the farmers. Unfortunately for Nathan & Tyler, the farmers were named the first team to arrive. Alana & Mel were so funny and clueless throughout the whole thing. Eventually they were the seventh team to arrive. At the last minute it came down to Richard & Joey and Mos & Mo. Luck was on Mos & Mo's side, unlike Richard & Joey's. They ended up being the last team to arrive. Overall it was a very entertaining episode of Amazing Race Australia (:


- Alison(:

Monday, 26 September 2011

Review writing - Twilight the graphic novel volume 1 (:

Twilight The Graphic Novel Volume 1.

This book is written by Stephenie Meyer with the help of Young Kim who illustrated the art and done the adaptation. The graphic novel;Twilight is a hard covered comic book, great for Twilight lovers who are not bothered to read the actual book and specially for the ones that like pictures.

The front cover tells it all. You can tell by looking at it that the book will be awesome without even opening it. Once inside its a whole new world with Edward Cullen and his familly. Soon enough Bella will discover her love for Edward and what he really is. She will know and understand that her place in the world is now with him.

Volume 1 is a summary of the special events that has happened in the first half of Twilight e.g the Car crash, meeting Jacob, seeing what edward looks like in the sun and lots more. Its a great way of retelling the story. Easy to read and understand which is good for young Twilight fans. It is fast to read and if you ask me the illustrations can't get any better .I think that Stephenie Meyer and Young Kim did a fantastic job. I just hope that volume 2 is just as amazing(:

Click on the link to see Stephenie meyer's website.

- Alison(: